Protection Status Ramadan 2024: Diabetic-Friendly Sehri Options To Keep Blood Sugar Stable In Ramadan – News18 – News Market

Ramadan 2024: Diabetic-Friendly Sehri Options To Keep Blood Sugar Stable In Ramadan – News18

Ramadan 2024: Tips to Stay Active During the Holy Month of Ramzan - News18


Include fruits, vegetables and leafy greens in your sehri meal.

Include fruits, vegetables and leafy greens in your sehri meal.

Including dates in your diet is beneficial because they are easy to digest and prepare the stomach for activity after a day of inactivity.

During the holy month of Ramadan, many Muslims observe fasting. While most people fast without any issues, it can be challenging for those with diabetes. If you or someone you know has diabetes, it’s important to make lifestyle changes like diet. So, what should you eat for the pre-dawn meal, known as Sehri?

First on the list are fruits and vegetables which are important during fasting because they are rich in fibre, which helps you feel full and prevents constipation. Include plenty of non-starchy vegetables like green beans, eggplants, mushrooms, and almost all fruits in your diet.

Next can be leafy greens. Leafy greens like spinach, fenugreek (methi), amaranth, and cauliflower leaves are not only highly nutritious but also low in calories. They are often used in diabetes-friendly recipes and are great choices for those managing diabetes.

If you have diabetes, consider eating oats for your Sehri meal. Oats are whole-grain foods that can be used to make congee, which is typically made with water or milk. This meal provides the necessary fluids and is rich in antioxidants and soluble fibre. Oats can help lower cholesterol levels and improve blood sugar control. Eating oats regularly for Sehri can help you stay full longer.

Yoghurt is a good option for diabetic patients throughout the year. If you’re fasting for Ramadan, adding yogurt to your suhoor meal plan can be beneficial. It provides nutrients like calcium, protein, B vitamins, and fluid.

It’s important to include a source of protein in your suhoor meal, such as eggs, lentils, beans, or chickpeas. Protein is essential for muscle building and has a lesser impact on blood glucose levels.

Options like omelettes, scrambled eggs, or dishes with chickpeas are great choices as they keep you full for longer.

For Sehri, consider eating high-fibre cereals as they are rich in minerals and vitamins. You can have them with milk, which provides fluids and other nutrients like iodine, calcium, and B vitamins, making it a nutritious meal.

It’s important to stay hydrated during Ramadan.

Drink plenty of water at Suhoor. It’s recommended to drink at least 8 cups of water between Iftar and Suhoor to help your body adjust fluid levels for the next day.


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