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Emotional Support To Professional Help, 5 Steps To Move On After A Broken Relationship – News18

Emotional Support To Professional Help, 5 Steps To Move On After A Broken Relationship - News18


Avoid falling into depression and engage in activities that bring you joy and contentment.

Avoid falling into depression and engage in activities that bring you joy and contentment.

Avoid prolonged isolation in your room as it can perpetuate the same thoughts and emotions.

Experiencing betrayal and heartbreak when someone we deeply love, with whom we’ve committed to a life together, unexpectedly leaves for another person can be an emotionally devastating experience. It feels like the ground has been pulled out from beneath us, leaving us with profound emotional turmoil. Those who genuinely love someone often feel as though their world has crumbled, eventually succumbing to stress, anxiety, and depression.

To start walking on the path of healing after a breakup, consider the following five steps:

Allow Your Emotions to Flow: Instead of suppressing your feelings, let them flow freely. After a breakup, it’s essential not to hold back. Give room for both the positive and negative emotions, memories, sadness, and pain to surface. The more you express your emotions, the lighter the emotional burden will become. Embracing the pain is a crucial step toward a faster recovery.

Seek Emotional Support: It is quite common to seek emotional support following a breakup, as it can help in avoiding depression. Connecting with family and friends is essential for a smoother healing process. Spending more time with loved ones accelerates your journey toward moving on from the breakup. Instead of isolating yourself, engage in activities like going out with friends, enjoying a comedy movie, and sharing meals with your family. These interactions can play a significant role in helping you overcome the pain of the breakup.

Prioritize Self-Improvement: Place a significant emphasis on self-care by paying attention to your overall well-being. Maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated, engage in regular exercise each morning, and ensure you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night. A strong focus on physical health can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Engage with the World: Avoid prolonged isolation in your room, as it can perpetuate the same negative thoughts and emotions. To break free from this cycle, focus on your hobbies and activities you enjoy. Engaging in social interactions and activities can expedite your healing process after a breakup. It’s crucial to maintain no contact with the person to prevent dwelling on memories and experiencing renewed pain.

Seek Professional Help: If, despite following these recommendations, you find it challenging to recover from the pain of heartbreak, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Meeting with a therapist or relationship counsellor can be invaluable in helping you overcome the sadness and depression associated with a breakup, enabling you to regain mental and emotional well-being, as well as physical health and happiness.


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