Protection Status Social Media Addiction Is Equal To Substance Abuse – Here’s What To Do? – News18 – News Market

Social Media Addiction Is Equal To Substance Abuse – Here’s What To Do? – News18

Social Media Addiction Is Equal To Substance Abuse – Here’s What To Do? - News18


Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook etc have similar effects on brain akin to recreational drugs or gambling making a person addicted to it

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook etc have similar effects on brain akin to recreational drugs or gambling making a person addicted to it

Dr Atul Jani, Internal Medicine, Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Vadodara shares how social media addiction is harmful and what to do about it

Social media addiction is a behavioural addiction where a person is overly concerned about Social media. There is noncontrollable urge to log onto or use social media, devoting so much time and efforts that it impairs other important Life areas.

According to psychologist as many as 7-10% of Americans meet criteria for social addiction.

Addictive social media use Is similar to substance abuse disorder and the person may have mood modification, behavioural and emotional pre-adaptation with social media.

Ever increasing use of social media over time and may experience unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms analogues to withdrawal when the use is stopped or is restricted. They may have relapse after a period of abstinence.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook etc have similar effects on brain akin to recreational drugs or gambling making a person addicted to it. It triggers chemical reaction in reward area of brain similar to substance abuse like cocaine.

So, a like or mention gives a feeling of pleasure making people desire it more and more

Use of social media as a coping mechanism to relieve stress, loneliness or depression leads to interpersonal problems as ignoring real life relationship, work or school responsibilities, ignoring physical health and exacerbation of undesirable moods.

It can also cause negative body image, eating disorders, online bullying and even suicidal tendencies among youth.

These few questions can help us determine if someone is at risk becoming an addict

  1. Do they keep thinking or plaining to use social media a lot
  2. Do they have excessive urge to use it
  3. Do they try to reduce media usage without success
  4. Do they exhibit behavioural symptoms, restlessness if unable to use social media
  5. Does it have negative impact-on their job or studies.

Doom scrolling meaning

spending a lot of time reading bad or negative news, stories is harmful to mental health. It can cause stress, anxiety and depression. These can be prolonged feeling of sadness. It is also found to deteriorate physical health leading to fatigue, sleeplessness, weight gain, hypertension and stomach-ache. It may increase substance abuses.

So, it is important to digital detox meaning reducing time spent on using electronic device.

  1. Turn off notifications, especially at work
  2. Limit the number of time social media check is done
  3. Have self-imposed non-screen time such as during meal
  4. If possible Keep the phone in a separate room at night
  5. Seek expert help if simple measures fail to correct addiction.


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