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Abacus To Games, 4 Tips To Make Maths Fun For Your Child – News18

Abacus To Games, 4 Tips To Make Maths Fun For Your Child - News18


Most of the students struggle with maths as a child.

Most of the students struggle with maths as a child.

Teaching maths using daily chores like grocery shopping or even planning a holiday can be very effective.

Ask a child what they think about maths and it is highly likely that the response would be – I hate it, it’s boring, or It’s too hard. Most of us struggled with maths as a child. A lot of it has to do with teachers’ way of presenting mathematical concepts. Moreover, the child may also start fearing maths when his basic concept of the subject is not clear or we can say, he is not well versed with the basic knowledge of the subject. A little change in teaching techniques can foster a love for learning maths. If you also want to make learning maths fun and easy for your kids, try the tips and tricks given below:

Using Abacus

Abacus is more than just a tool for arithmetic computations. It is better advised to use an abacus for learning numerical concepts rather than the conventional methods. Learning through the abacus produces a profound understanding of numerical concepts. With the physical manipulation of beads, it becomes easier for the kid to understand the fundamentals of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Learning with Real Examples

Establishing that maths is an integral part of everyday life is important to establish. Make them learn the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in simple, daily chores like grocery shopping or even planning a holiday.

Introducing Games

Introducing games can prove to be productive when it comes to learning mathematics. Therefore, it is advised to play math games with your kids in a way that makes math lessons or math reviews more engaging. There are also online and offline math activities available to teach your kids.

Let Your Child Teach You Maths

A great way to learn something is to teach it. While explaining even a simple topic, they’re forced to recall everything they know and then, try new ways of explaining it. When out of answers, tell your child that you’re stuck too, asking them to explain it to you again. This will make them learn well about the concepts.


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