Protection Status World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Period Talk With Your Daughters – A Quick Guide For Parents – News Market

World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Period Talk With Your Daughters – A Quick Guide For Parents

World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Period Talk With Your Daughters - A Quick Guide For Parents


Period Talk With Your Daughter: Remember, the period talk is not a one-time conversation but an ongoing dialogue

Period Talk With Your Daughter: Remember, the period talk is not a one-time conversation but an ongoing dialogue

Period talk with your daughters: The goal is to create an open and comfortable environment where your daughter feels safe discussing her body and any concerns

As parents, approaching the “Period Talk” with your daughters can feel intimidating, but it is a crucial conversation that fosters understanding and support. This guide provides practical advice on initiating the discussion, creating a safe space for open dialogue, addressing common concerns, and offering accurate information. By following these strategies, you can navigate this important topic with confidence and ensure your daughter feels supported and informed.

Dr Aarthi Bharat, Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals, Banashankari, Bangalore, says,Discussing menstruation with your daughter can be slightly tricky but it is a very important conversation. By addressing this topic openly and honestly, you can provide her with accurate information, dispel any myths or misconceptions, and help her navigate this important aspect of her life.”

The goal is to create an open and comfortable environment where your daughter feels safe discussing her body and any concerns she may have. By initiating these conversations, you’ll help her develop a healthy attitude towards menstruation and foster a strong parent-daughter relationship.

Dr Abhinaya Alluri, Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Laparoscopic surgeon & Infertility specialist, CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad echoes the same sentiment, “Periods can be a sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable topic to discuss, but open and honest communication is key to helping your daughters understand and navigate this natural part of life.”

To help you break the ice and have a successful period talk with your daughter, here’s a quick guide:

  1. Choose the Right Time and Place
    Find a comfortable and private setting where you can have an uninterrupted conversation. It’s important to create an environment where your daughter feels safe and at ease to ask questions or share her concerns.
  2. Share Personal Experiences
    “If you feel comfortable, share your own experiences with menstruation. This can help normalize the topic and make your daughter feel more at ease knowing that you’ve gone through similar experiences,” adds Dr Bharat.
  3. Begin with empathy and reassurance
    “Start by acknowledging that talking about periods can feel awkward but assure your daughter that it’s completely normal and natural. Let her know that you’re there to answer any questions she may have,” adds Dr Alluri.
  4. Provide age-appropriate information
    Tailor the information to your daughter’s age and level of understanding. “Begin by explaining that menstruation is a normal bodily function that happens to girls as they grow up. Use simple and clear language to describe the process,” opines Dr Alluri.
  5. Discuss Hygiene and Products
    Talk about the importance of maintaining good menstrual hygiene. “Explain different menstrual hygiene products available, such as pads, tampons, or menstrual cups, and help her understand how to use them correctly and safely,” states Dr Bharat.
  6. Encourage Questions and Provide Support
    Let your daughter know that she can come to you with any questions or concerns she may have, even after the initial conversation. Reassure her that you are there to support her throughout her menstrual journey. Encourage her to reach out to a trusted adult or healthcare professional if she feels more comfortable discussing certain topics with them.
  7. Address common concerns
    Address any concerns or misconceptions your daughter may have, such as pain, hygiene, and emotional changes. Reassure her that these experiences are normal and offer practical advice on managing discomfort and maintaining good hygiene during periods.
  8. Encourage questions
    “Let your daughter know that she can ask you anything, no matter how embarrassing or trivial it may seem. Provide accurate information and dispel any myths or misconceptions she may have heard from peers or the media,” states Dr Alluri.
  9. Offer ongoing support
    Emphasize that you’re always available to talk and support her throughout her journey. Provide resources such as books, websites, or trusted adults she can turn to for further information.

Remember, the period talk is not a one-time conversation but an ongoing dialogue. Revisit the topic periodically to check in on her experiences, answer any new questions, and provide support as she continues to navigate her menstrual journey. By openly discussing menstruation, you can help your daughter feel empowered, informed, and comfortable with her own body.


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