Protection Status Why You Feel Burning Sensation In Stomach Right After Eating – News18 – News Market

Why You Feel Burning Sensation In Stomach Right After Eating – News18

Why You Feel Burning Sensation In Stomach Right After Eating - News18


Reclining right after eating could lead to acid reflux.

Reclining right after eating could lead to acid reflux.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a long-lasting condition that involves the backflow of stomach acid into the oesophagus.

Experiencing a burning sensation after eating can be quite uncomfortable and worrisome. This feeling, commonly known as heartburn or acid reflux, can stem from different factors. It might be due to consuming a highly spicy dish or trying food from a new, unfamiliar restaurant. Regardless of the cause, addressing this sensation is crucial to avoid potential issues. Although occasional heartburn is typical, if it becomes a frequent occurrence after meals, it might indicate an underlying problem that requires prompt intervention. In this article, we’ll explore the various causes of this unease.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a long-lasting condition that involves the backflow of stomach acid into the oesophagus, leading to irritation and a sensation of burning. This is a primary reason behind ongoing heartburn following meals. The predominant symptom of GERD is heartburn, often described as a burning feeling in the chest, accompanied by the regurgitation of sour or bitter fluids into the throat or mouth. Feeling both heartburn and nausea concurrently is a common occurrence with GERD.

A hiatal hernia develops when a part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm muscle into the chest area. This movement can result in frequent post-meal heartburn. While lifestyle changes or medication can help control hiatal hernias, surgical intervention might be necessary for certain individuals. The surgical procedure involves tightening the diaphragm and repositioning the stomach from the chest back to the abdomen to repair the hernia.

Spicy dishes, known for their alluring warmth and vibrant tastes, captivate taste buds far and wide. They stimulate the senses and sometimes leave you yearning for additional bites. However, these spicy meals can swiftly provoke a burning sensation. This sensation can encompass a burning mouth, stomach discomfort and even acid reflux due to the consumption of spicy foods.

While soothing remedies like milk, dairy items or ice can quickly alleviate the burning from spicy foods, consistent intake of such dishes can result in lasting damage to both the stomach and mouth.

Frequently, people opt to recline right after eating, which is a prevalent yet ill-advised habit. Although post-meal drowsiness might be strong, laying down immediately hinders the digestion process. This can result in digestive complications like acid reflux and bloating. For better digestion and overall health, it’s recommended to refrain from lying down right after a meal.


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