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Understanding Nicotine and its Influence on Reproductive Potential – News18

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For females, smoking can result in the depletion of oocytes, altering the fertilization process

For females, smoking can result in the depletion of oocytes, altering the fertilization process

Dr Nidhi Singh, Fertility Expert, Nova IVF Fertility, Patna shares the effects of nicotine on reproductive health

Nicotine, a naturally occurring compound present in tobacco plants, well known for its addictive characteristics, poses adverse risks to both smokers and those exposed to second-hand smoke. It adversely affects the respiratory system, cardiovascular health, throat, and neck, leading to the development of cancerous tumors, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Further, it has a detrimental impact on one’s fertility process.

It works in a similar manner like other addictives by inducing dopamine in the brain of the user. Research shows that approximately two-thirds of smokers express a desire to quit, with about half attempting to do so annually, but achieving success is challenging without assistance. This difficulty arises from both physical dependence on nicotine and a potent emotional reliance. Nicotine influences behavior, mood, and emotions, making it challenging for individuals who turn to tobacco as a coping mechanism to quit successfully.

Impact of Nicotine on Reproductive Health

Today, many individuals in their reproductive years engage in nicotine consumption through smoking daily. Additionally, there has been a rise in the popularity of non-combustible nicotine-containing alternatives, such as e-cigarettes or vapes, especially among adults of reproductive age. Fertility journey is an intricate process and smoking has the potential to disrupt every stage of egg production, the fertilization process, embryo attachment, and the appropriate growth and development of the baby throughout pregnancy.

For females, smoking can result in the depletion of oocytes, altering the fertilization process. Nicotine has been linked to hinder cortical granule formation, obstructing the prevention of polyspermy. The presence of multiple sperm cells in an embryo may hinder its development, potentially leading to later abortion and a decline in fertility. Moreover, nicotine is also associated with irregular menstrual cycle and increases the probability for secondary amenorrhea, increased vaginal bleeding, and significantly lower luteal phase urinary estrogens.

In males, nicotine has been linked to a decline in both the quality and quantity of sperm. Chemicals found in e-cigarette vapor, including nicotine and formaldehyde, have been shown to disrupt sperm production and impair sperm motility. In addition, exposure of spermatozoa to seminal plasma from smokers has been associated with a notable decrease in sperm viability and fertilizing ability. Additionally, nicotine’s effects are correlated with lower testosterone levels and higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone.

Additionally, nicotine can disrupt embryonic development by altering cellular processes and gene expression, raising the risk of congenital abnormalities and developmental disorders in offspring, as observed in animal studies.

The Journey Ahead

Abstaining from all nicotine and vaping activities is a crucial decision for aspiring parents. Nonetheless, overcoming the habit of vaping or smoking cigarettes is a formidable challenge.

  1. Professional assistanceSeeking guidance from a psychologist/ psychiatrist is instrumental in breaking free from the perilous habit. Counseling, community support, and the backing of loved ones often play a pivotal role in resisting urges and navigating through the difficulties of this challenging phase in life.
  2. Regular exerciseEngaging in daily exercise, especially in the early mornings, sets positive sentiments in your mind, body, and spirit and starts the day on a jolly note.
  3. Well-balanced diet and good sleepWell-balanced diet and a good night sleep are foundations for setting future positive lifestyle changes.


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