Protection Status Fenugreek To Drumsticks, 5 Foods Known To Increase Breast Milk Production – News18 – News Market

Fenugreek To Drumsticks, 5 Foods Known To Increase Breast Milk Production – News18

Fenugreek To Drumsticks, 5 Foods Known To Increase Breast Milk Production - News18


The mother needs to eat right and consume extra calories to be able to produce milk.

The mother needs to eat right and consume extra calories to be able to produce milk.

New mothers can try moderate amounts of galactagogue foods, which are known to boost the production of breast milk.

Breastfeeding mothers provide essential nutrients to their infants through breast milk, promoting growth and overall health while offering protection against infections and bolstering their immune systems. Despite these benefits, some mothers worry about insufficient milk production.

Adequate nutrition and consuming extra calories are essential for milk production and certain foods are believed to naturally enhance lactation.

New mothers can incorporate moderate amounts of galactagogue foods into their diets, which are known to boost breast milk production. However, consulting a doctor before adding these foods is advisable.

Fenugreek Water:

Fenugreek seeds are renowned for increasing breast milk production. To prepare fenugreek water, soak fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. The next morning, strain the water and consume it. This can be beneficial, especially when milk production decreases due to stress, fatigue, or other factors.

Fennel Tea:

Fennel tea is another beverage that can aid lactating mothers in increasing milk production. Fennel seeds are traditionally given to pregnant women to alleviate gas and aid digestion. Continuing to consume fennel seeds postpartum may benefit both the mother’s and the newborn’s health. While scientific evidence is lacking, drinking fennel tea may help boost milk production.

Sesame Seed Laddoo:

Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, an essential mineral for nursing mothers and infant development. Including sesame seeds in the diet, such as consuming sesame seed laddoos made with black sesame seeds, dates, grated coconut and nuts, can be beneficial for lactating mothers.

Drumstick Juice:

Drumstick juice has been shown to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. It can be incorporated into curries or soups or consumed as fresh juice. Drinking half a glass of drumstick juice daily for a month, or twice a day for increased milk production may be helpful.

Masoor Dal Soup:

Masoor dal, a type of lentil, is considered a galactagogue, meaning it aids in increasing milk production. Consuming masoor dal as soup or adding it to other dishes can be beneficial. Enhance the soup with a teaspoon of ghee, a pinch of pepper and salt for added flavour and nutrition.

Incorporating these foods into the diet, along with proper nutrition and hydration, can help breastfeeding mothers maintain adequate milk production and support their infant’s health and development.


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